Never too early - what I learned from a season of three-year-old organized soccer
It’s 45 degrees out, so cold that a mist hangs over the baseball outfield we’re using for our game today. The ground is wet and seeping through my sweatpants because I forgot to bring our camping chairs again, and I’m about to get up for the third time to re-tie a lost shoe. One of my kids is inspecting a large and apparently fascinating leaf while the ball rolls past him, and the other is on the bench asking the other kids if they’ve seen any cupcakes for the third time.
10 Tips to encourage fitness with kids on vacation
Family vacations can be full of a ton of unhealthy temptations. I always tend to eat way more unhealthy food and bigger portions while traveling because I just want to try everything local. I also eat dessert and sweets that I’d never have at home. I usually don’t get a chance to run like I do at home either. Taken together, it’s a recipe for gaining some weight and coming home heavier.
Pull the cord and get to Cordoba soon
With the highest average temperatures in Europe, Cordoba, one of Andalusia’s largest cities is the perfect spot to visit in the Summer for some of the famous summer sun. It’s the kind of place you reader, like me, might be tempted to buy a five euro hat just to cover up in the sun. With kids, it’s an incredible place to visit for incredible scenery, food, and fun ways to get around.
See Ya in Sevilla - How we found the perfect things to do with children in Seville
Hot sun, late nights, and adventurous food make for great vacations, but adding kids into the mix with these doesn’t always work out great. However, Seville, Spain’s third largest city and capital of the Adulucia region, makes all of these work out just about perfectly even with kids. There’s no shortage of fun things to see and do with adventurous children, and parents will find lots of great food and drink spots as well.
Back in the walled garden - my iPhone 11 review
Are Android and iOS really all that different? It turns out that after years of borrowing ideas from each other, they are actually much closer than anyone who hasn’t used both in the last couple of years might know. After a few disappointing Android devices where so many things were good, but there was at least one crippling deficiency, I decided to go back to the world of iOS with the compelling iPhone 11.
How sweet it is - My Hershey Half Marathon Race Recap
Four years can make a huge difference when it comes to running. In 2015, I ran the Hershey Half Marathon for the first time, only one year after my very first race, in just under two hours. This year, I ran it again after nearly 20 half marathons and six full marathons, focusing on improving my speed, and reduced my personal best for a half marathon, even on this hilly course in 1:40:20.
Running like a pro: My Garmin Fenix 6 Pro review
After three years with my Garmin Vivoactive smartwatch, I decided it was time to graduate up to a more professional and full featured running watch. Going back to my Fitbit, I’ve enjoyed running with a smart device, but with each upgrade, have felt the need to add a bit more power. With the Fenix 6, I quickly discovered a ton of new features that help me push to become an even better runner.
The joy of running from New Jersey to New York
One of my absolute favorite runs in the area I live is across the George Washington Bridge from New Jersey into New York. Every year, usually in peak marathon training time, I look forward to my first long run across the bridge, over state lines, and into New York City. No other run gives me as much opportunity to see such a diverse set of landscapes and amazing views.
Probably known more for cycling than running, the route over the bridge is an excellent way to get to see the city without having to worry about dodging cars and finding parking.
Truly Professional - My OnePlus 7 Pro Review
The OnePlus 7 Pro landed on the smartphone scene this year without a ton of hype, but generated a ton of noise. Could a smartphone costing only $700 really match up with $1000 plus flagship phones from Apple and Google and actually surpass them in several areas? I saw enough reviews saying that it could that I decided it was time to give it a try. I’ve been using it for nearly a month now including our two week vacation to Spain and have come to appreciate just what OnePlus was able to do to set itself apart in a crowded market.
No, traveling internationally with kids is not "crazy"
When I told people about my family vacation to Spain with my three-year-old twins, the most common reaction was, “wow, that’s crazy.” I understand that perspective, spending two weeks away in a foreign country with two balls of energy isn’t easy, but I don’t think it’s at all crazy. With some completely reasonable preparation and planning, and most importantly an open mind, a trip away can be pretty smooth and incredibly rewarding.