Back Off Mommy Mafia
Back Off Mommy Mafia “You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it ok for guys to call you sluts and whores.” — Tina Fey, Mean Girls Mean Girls is one of my favorite movies not just because of the excellent writing, directing, cinematography, and acting, not to mention original score, but also because it imparts so many life lessons. In this case, moms need to stop shaming other moms and piling up pressure on each other, because it just makes it ok for everyone else to do the same.
The Good, Bad, and Ugly: What I’ve Learned in the First Two Weeks of Fatherhood
The Good, Bad, and Ugly: What I’ve Learned in the First Two Weeks of Fatherhood
Big smiles!
Our identical twin boys, Axel and Anders turn two weeks old on Friday and in some ways, it feels much shorter, and in others, like sleeping, way way longer. The anxieties and fears of week one are mostly in the rearview now and have been replaced with new ones. With another pediatrician checkup this week, and weigh ins with it, we’re now way less worried about weight loss.
Things that Terrified me During the First Twenty Four Hours of Fatherhood
Things that Terrified me During the First Twenty Four Hours of Fatherhood
At 8:00 am on Friday, June 17th, 2016, Axel and Anders Lund, our identical twins were delivered via cesarean section into the world. Now that we are nearly a week into this crazy thing called parenthood, we can largely look back on the numerous things that we freaked out about and smile. It’s been an eventful 5 days but the boys are in great health now thanks to the great nursing staff at St.
Why I’m Taking My Full Paternity Leave, and You Should Too
Why I’m Taking My Full Paternity Leave, and You Should Too
You’ve seen the data; the United States is one of only a few countries that doesn’t mandate paternity leave. We’re in the illustrious company of Suriname, which I swear was never a country when I had to learn countries in middle school and Papua New Guinea. The tides are changing a bit with companies, largely in the tech sector, offering their own paid paternity leaves, but we still lag tremendously far behind all other world powers.
Becoming a First Time Father, Twice
Marathoner. Home brewer. Dog lover. Runner. Foodie. Beer snob. Travel addict. These are the terms I would use to describe myself until about 8 months ago. After being told by a plus sign, doctor, blood test, ultrasound, and a tape measure around my wife’s stomach, I think I have to finally admit that father will be added to the list. After finally getting mentally ready for that, we found out it would be twins, and 6 months later I’m still coming to grips with that.
Why You Need to Party in Ljubljana for Slovenian Statehood Day
June 25 is fast approaching. Though National Catfish Day deserves plans of its own, you may want to put those plans on hold until next year, and spend the 25th in Ljubljana, Europe’s best kept secret instead. Ljubljana has the architecture of Spain, wine of Italy, politeness of Germany, and food of Greece while being affordable and still relatively uncrowded from tourists. This little gem of Slovenia deserves your time.
Propeller Festival 2016
The South by Southwest of the Northeast. That’s how I once heard Propeller Festival, New Jersey’s first technology and media festival, described. The inaugural Propeller Festival took place this past Friday on Hoboken’s Pier A Park, a perfect setting for a beautiful day in the sun. With a few minor setbacks, the festival was a huge success and I can’t wait to see what they do next year. Here are some of my observations about the day and what I hope to see next year.
The 10 Marathon Signs I’m Sick Of Seeing
I love that spectators come out to cheer on runners in every race I’ve run. Some like New York are incredible in scale. How can 26.2 miles be covered in several people deep lines of cheering? Others like Belfast are memorable for the local support and willingness to help.
However, I’m getting sick of the same signs at every race. The first time they were funny. The 8th time they get old.
Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon 2016 Race Recap
They call it Hospital Hill for a reason. At mile 10 of the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon it rears up against the sky. With proper training, you won’t need the hospital that sits at the top, but it’s always good to have a plan b. Marine Corps drill sergeants yelling at you to run up it and conquer the pain help too. This is the Marine Corps historic half and only the tough survive.
The Art of Running in the Rain - Novo Nordisk New Jersey Half Marathon Race Recap
There are times in one’s life when conditions are not as expected or less than perfect. In such times, it is often easy for one to give up or give in and bail. One may even throw one’s hands up in the air as if they just don’t care. Such is the tidal pull of life.
However, sometimes, one reaches above the imperfection and attains greatness through adversity. Sometimes one takes that step toward immortality and becomes a hero.