Why I run in front of my babies
Why I run in front of my babies Healthy kids become healthy adults Shoes: check. Water bottle: check. Pack and play? Sometimes getting a run in with two infants requires getting a little creative. Even if the only option sometimes wasn’t bringing the boys down to the basement while I’m on the treadmill, I’d do it anyway. I make the boys watch me run because I plan on keeping them involved in my running and encourage them to run and be active in their lives.
When you coming home dad? I don’t know when, but we’ll be together then: Traveling without kids
When you coming home dad? I don’t know when, but we’ll be together then: Traveling without kids Do I have any clothes without formula on them to pack? If you are a fairly new parent like me, you may have wondered the same before the first time you traveled away from home without your children for the first time since they were born. Last week I traveled to Las Vegas for work for a week, the longest I had been away from our boys since they were born nearly six months ago.
I’m so big in Canada right now 🇨🇦🍁🏒
I’m so big in Canada right now 🇨🇦🍁🏒 I had a great chat with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Nora Young on Spark about quantified babies and a data driven approach to parenting, using software development practices. I think it cam out really well. You can catch it this weekend in the Great White North on the CBC between the Justin Bieber marathon and the broadcast of the 1963 Toronto Maple Leafs’ Stanley Cup win, or here
Turkey with twins: finding the true Thanksgiving spirit
Turkey with twins: finding the true Thanksgiving spirit One day we would have a family Thanksgiving like in a John Hughes movie. I pledged this to myself. Like Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation – ok and essentially every Vacation movie – I always wanted to host the perfect American family holiday with everyone coming to the house for a big dinner, parlor games, family stories, and perhaps even some songs by the piano.
Not a vacation: lessons from six weeks of solo paternity leave
Not a vacation: lessons from six weeks of solo paternity leave My six weeks of paternity leave are ending. It somehow both feels like a lifetime and the blink of an eye. I’m so incredibly grateful to my company for providing the opportunity to spend these six weeks fully dedicated to my boys and laser focused on being an engaged and active dad for them. Though it has often been mentally and physically trying and difficult to handle the two of them at once, I wouldn’t trade back this time for anything.
What to do when you run out of children’s songs
What to do when you run out of children’s songs If you are anything like me, you can only seem to hold three or four children’s songs in your head at any time. I can’t stand listening to children’s music on the radio or at home either, so my repertoire is largely what I remember from childhood or overhear from others. After the twentieth time singing Old MacDonald, I had to find something new.
Brewing between bottles and diapers: The humorous, definitive guide to brewing with infants
Brewing between bottles and diapers: The humorous, definitive guide to brewing with infants You may think that brewing a beer, much like a full night’s sleep or going out for a nice moderately priced seven course dinner just isn’t possible with an infant, let alone twins. I’m here to tell you, much like you may hear at a presidential debate, you’re WRONG! It’s possible, but like two porcupines making love, not exactly easy, any you need to take it slow.
How to travel with twin infants, toddlers, and a dog, and remain sane
How to travel with twin infants, toddlers, and a dog, and remain sane Travel with four kids under four
A month ago we took our four month old twins down to Cape May on their first overnight trip. We had such a good time with the boys and things went so smoothly that we decided to take a weekend trip with not only the boys and our dog, but our friends and their two toddlers as well.
Hacking my infant twins’ sleep with machine learning and data science
Hacking my infant twins’ sleep with machine learning and data science A month ago, I tried A/B testing to see how different “treatments” or input parameters might result in longer sleep for our twins — and of course by proxy, us. Through this, I found that sleep patterns were fairly erratic and didn’t find much that correlated strongly to increased sleep. As time went on, they started more largely on their own naturally.
How to choose a daycare
How to choose a daycare After months or weeks of worrying about keeping your new baby alive, imposing sleep schedules, tracking feedings, learning which toys and songs calm them, then worrying about them becoming too dependent on them, it’s time for the next big decision for baby. Sadly parental leave isn’t forever and you eventually have to go back to work. This means it’s time to decide on daytime caregiving for your baby.